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4. Qualcomm IM SDK

Qualcomm IM SDK (Qualcomm's Intelligent Multimedia SDK) is a unified SDK across IOT segments enabling seamless Multimedia and AI/ML application deployment. This SDK utilizes the open-source multimedia framework GStreamer and exposes easy APIs and plug-ins in both multimedia and machine learning domains. These plug-ins allow application developers to create a wide range of multimedia and AI/ML applications in different sectors.

The following example uses Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera (IMX477):


The IMX477 camera uses the WS1053516 lens.

  1. Visit and download
  2. Decompress the file and run the following commands on your PC to transfer all contents of the folder to RUBIK Pi 3.
    adb root  
adb shell mount -o rw,remount /
cd RUBIKPi_QIM_models
adb push ./* /opt
  1. Run the following commands on RUBIK Pi 3 to set the camera parameters.
    echo multiCameraLogicalXMLFile=kodiak_dc.xml > /var/cache/camera/camxoverridesettings.txt  
echo enableNCSService=FALSE >> /var/cache/camera/camxoverridesettings.txt
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/dev/socket/weston
export WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1
setprop persist.overlay.use_c2d_blit 2
  1. Run the following command on RUBIK Pi 3 to run the demo.


gst-launch-1.0 -e --gst-debug=1 qtiqmmfsrc name=camsrc camera=0 ! video/x-raw\(memory:GBM\),format=NV12,width=1280,height=720,framerate=30/1 ! queue ! qtivsplit name=split split. ! queue ! qtivcomposer name=mixer1 sink_0::position="<0, 0>" sink_0::dimensions="<960, 540>" sink_1::position="<0, 0>" sink_1::dimensions="<960,540>" ! queue ! waylandsink sync=false x=0 y=0 width=960 height=540 \
split. ! queue ! qtimlvconverter ! queue ! qtimltflite delegate=external \
external-delegate-options="QNNExternalDelegate,backend_type=htp;" model=/opt/inceptionv3.tflite ! queue ! qtimlvclassification threshold=40.0 results=2 module=mobilenet labels=/opt/classification.labels ! video/x-raw,format=BGRA,width=960,height=540 ! queue ! mixer1. split. ! queue ! qtivcomposer name=mixer2 sink_0::dimensions="<960,540>"sink_0::position="<0,0>" sink_1::dimensions="<960,540>" sink_1::position="<0,0>" ! \
queue ! waylandsink sync=false x=960 y=0 width=960 height=540 split. ! queue ! qtimlvconverter ! queue ! qtimlsnpe delegate=dsp model=/opt/yolonas.dlc layers="</heads/Mul, /heads/Sigmoid>" ! queue ! qtimlvdetection threshold=40.0 results=10 module=yolo-nas labels=/opt/yolonas.labels ! video/x-raw,format=BGRA,width=960,height=540 ! queue ! mixer2. \
split. ! queue ! qtivcomposer name=mixer3 sink_0::position="<0, 0>" sink_0::dimensions="<960, 540>" sink_1::position="<0, 0>" sink_1::dimensions="<960,540>" ! queue ! waylandsink sync=false x=0 y=540 width=960 height=540 \
split. ! queue ! qtimlvconverter ! queue ! qtimltflite delegate=external \
external-delegate-options="QNNExternalDelegate,backend_type=htp;" model=/opt/posenet_mobilenet_v1.tflite ! queue ! qtimlvpose threshold=51.0 results=2 module=posenet labels=/opt/posenet_mobilenet_v1.labels constants="Posenet,q-offsets=<128.0,128.0,117.0>,q-scales=<0.0784313753247261,0.0784313753247261,1.3875764608383179>;" ! queue ! mixer3. split. ! queue ! qtivcomposer name=mixer4 sink_0::dimensions="<960,540>"sink_0::position="<0,0>" sink_1::dimensions="<960,540>" sink_1::position="<0,0>" sink_1::alpha=0.5 ! \
queue ! waylandsink sync=false x=960 y=540 width=960 height=540 split. ! queue ! qtimlvconverter ! queue ! qtimlsnpe delegate=dsp model=/opt/deeplabv3_resnet50.dlc ! queue ! qtimlvsegmentation module=deeplab-argmax labels=/opt/deeplabv3_resnet50.labels ! queue ! mixer4.

Demo running result: